Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19, 2014 ~ Sometimes I Feel Like We're Doing This Right (If There is Such a Thing)

Forenote (I just made up a word):  I will refer to my soon to be ex as "MSTBE" (to be pronounced must-be), based on the recommendation of a friend and reader.  Get it?  My Soon To Be Ex.  Let me know what you think.  Of course, I'll have to think of something else in September when the divorce is final but that seems a long way off right now.

Anyway, today is one of those days that I feel like we're really doing this divorce thing the right way.  Let me back up a bit though because I'm sure most of you don't have our current custody schedule memorized.  I'll refresh your memory or fill you in just in case you haven't read the previous post in which I wrote about it.  Wait, of course you've read all of my posts.  They are so enthralling that once you read one, you just can't help but read all of the rest.  Ok, enough with the sass.

Currently, the kids are staying at my house every night.  I'm lucky enough to have found a house that my Mom and I could both move into and it's fantastic.  There are two master bedrooms and there is plenty of space for everyone!  Because I have help, it just makes sense that they are with me when they are as little as they are (currently my son is 3 years old and my daughter is 14 months).  MSTBE picks them up from daycare on Mondays and Wednesdays, takes them to the park, comes to my house for their dinnertime, and helps with bath and bedtime.  On Tuesdays and Thursdays he comes over around dinnertime and helps with bath and bedtime.  And one weekend morning per week he picks them up, takes them to the park, drops my daughter off for her nap, and takes my son to his house to play, have lunch, and take a nap.  My son is back before dinnertime.  Eventually, when he's ready, my son will spend a weekend night there.  And then we will add a weekday sleep over and eventually a third.  At some point my daughter will start spending three nights per week there but I think that is a long time away.

Now that you have some background, let me tell you about today.  MSTBE sent me a text in the morning saying that his best friend is in town and he would like to bring him over to see the kids when he comes (it's a Thursday, just in case you don't read this right away, although you'd be crazy not to).  He told me that his best friend was in town for work, which I later found out was a lie, but I'll write about that some other time.  I was excited to see his best friend because I actually really like him but I didn't want to infringe on my Mom because she cooks dinner on Thursdays (I won't bore you with our dinner schedule) and I knew it would be awkward to have MSTBE and his best friend sit around watching us eat but there wasn't enough advanced notice to buy more food so that everyone could eat together.  I suggested that we take the kids out for burgers and fries instead.  MSTBE was cool with that.

Sitting at Five Guys, interacting in a positive manner with MSTBE, catching up with his best friend, and talking to his best friend about different things that are going on made me feel really great.  I don't have to still love MSTBE nor do I have to want to be around him very often.  But for the sake of my kids, I need to be able to show that I care about him and what's going on in his life.

We went home and I needed to change my son's diaper but it was only about 30 minutes until bathtime so I just let him run around in the buff.  All of a sudden he said, "I have to go poop!"  I suggested that we go on the potty and this time he actually took me up on it.  As I was lifting him onto the potty, he asked for a diaper but quickly changed his mind, sat on the potty, and went poop!!!  Now, you're probably wondering how this relates to my story of the day at all.  Here's the answer.  I legitimately wanted to share the news with MSTBE.  I sent him a text right away.  (I knew he was playing softball so I didn't bother calling.)  Shortly afterward, my son went poop on the potty AGAIN!  And I sent MSTBE another text.  And to really drive home the excitement that I wanted my son to feel, I had him call MSTBE as we were laying down for bed to share the news and actually hear his Dad's reaction.

I don't know if this seems as amazing to you as it does to me.  We didn't have the worst split that I've ever heard of but it definitely wasn't easy by any means.  So to get to the point where we are now is pretty amazing to me.  If you think I'm lame, seriously, let me know.  I don't want to write about things that people don't find interesting.

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